A Marriage Prayer

A Marriage Prayer is made of simple words to pray together with your spouse that can revolutionize your relationship!

WHEN ...

...you believe God can really answer your marriage prayers.

...your hearts and minds agree with the elements of what you are praying!


… God's Spirit will work in you and give you the desire and ability to do your part in allowing the Lord to answer! 

The sample Marriage Prayer we've included below is based on several concepts:

1. Vows: Husband and wife have vowed to one another and to God to be faithful, loving, and joined for life to each other.

2. Commitment: The practical application of their vows is the commitment to meet the needs of their spouse. This will be a life-long pursuit.

3. Forgiveness: Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. –Ephesians 4:32 It has been said, "To err is human, to forgive is divine." This is so true! Forgiveness in difficult situations, like infidelity, requires a deep understanding of how much Jesus has forgiven us. We can only offer what we ourselves have experienced.

4. Rewinding: Is it time to press the <rewind> button on your relationship, and go back to the care, habits of devotion, and romantic gestures that characterized your relationship before you were married? Do it! Regardless of your feelings, follow Nike's advice: Just Do It!

5. Design: Acknowledge God's design for husband wives, as recorded in Ephesians 5
- Husbands: focus on loving (cherishing) your wife
- Wives: focus on honoring (respecting) your husband

Why not read this marriage prayer together, aloud, while holding hands?

Our Father in heaven, thank You that You are here with us and between us.
We remind ourselves and reaffirm our marriage vows to one another and to You.
Thank you for forgiving our sins and failures. Lord, we offer this same wonderful, liberating forgiveness to one another now. As we received, we give.
Holy Spirit, please work in our hearts and minds to assist us to meet the needs of each other today. Help us focus on loving one another more than ourselves. Lord Jesus, we know You can help us be the best husband or wife we can be. Please help us now.
Help us, Lord, be more like You in our relationship together.
Our Father, because love is a decision and not a feeling, by your grace we will love one another today with Your love and with Your grace.
In Jesus' name, Amen!

Perhaps you'd like to write your own Marriage Prayer! Just be sure not to say something like, "God please help my spouse realize that they need to change…".

The most important things to include are your gratefulness to God for your spouse and asking God to help you change to be a better husband or wife. When you talk to God from the heart, you will gain hope for a better relationship because you are inviting God to participate in your marriage and that is a sure way to achieve a deeper level of love and intimacy!


impossible love